Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene is the Divine Fountain from which the Christ essence drinks deeply. She is the embodiment of the Light that births enlightenment, the sacred vessel through which the Divine pours wisdom into the world. As the Holy Woman who anoints, she sanctifies our path, illuminating the way to redemption and the remembrance of our true divine nature. She is the Feminine Christ, the reflection of our paradisaical origin, embodying the sacred union of the Divine Masculine and Feminine within us.

Her Chrism, the sacred anointing oil, is an elixir of divine love, awakening humanity's dormant consciousness. Through her essence, we are invited to rise from the slumber of forgetfulness and remember our divine heritage. She carries within her the womb of the Christos, the cosmic womb that births light into the darkness, and when we reclaim her, we are guided back to the Primordial Wisdom of all times—an eternal wisdom that lives within us, awaiting our recognition.

In this sacred reclamation, Mary Magdalene becomes the guiding force that leads us not just to the healing of the individual soul, but to the healing of collective consciousness. She calls us to embrace our shadows and to shine light upon them, for in the heart of darkness lies our greatest potential. As we step into her presence, we are reminded that we, too, are the holy vessels of divine creation, capable of embodying the Christ energy, and she is here to show us the way.

Through the Magdalene teachings, we are shown how to embody the Christos, to embrace our own divinity, and to rise into the full expression of our soul’s purpose. She is both the gateway and the guide, inviting us into a sacred dance of remembrance and awakening.

Ana Otero

Mary Magdalene is the embodiment of the Divine Feminine Principle, rooted deeply in the sacred feminine essence that has long been forgotten and is now being remembered. She is the force that activates the Tree of Life Template within our very being, awakening us to the truth of where we come from and where we are going. Through her presence, she leads us through the shadows we have cast aside, teaching us to embrace, honor, and transform them into sources of wisdom and power. The shadows we deny are the very places where our deepest magic resides, waiting to be acknowledged.
As the sacred counterpart and co-teacher with Yeshua, Mary Magdalene taught the path of Sacred Humanity. She showed us that we are the living Temple, a sacred space where the divine and the human merge into One. Through her teachings, we are reminded that our bodies are sacred vessels capable of receiving and holding the Holy Spirit, the breath of creation itself. We are not just beings of time and space but expressions of essence, matter, and the divine creative force.
In the Bridal Chamber, a sacred space she leads us into, we experience the alchemical union of soul and Spirit, where we become Christed, reborn into the fullness of our divine essence. This is the return to Oneness that she offers to each of us, a remembrance of our sacred roots in the Mother of Creation.
Mary Magdalene serves as the doorway to the rebirthing of the soul of humanity. Through communion with her, we are guided into the depths of our being, where we awaken to the Magdalene essence within us—the sacred feminine that has been dormant, waiting to rise. She opens us to receive the Holy Spirit, the creative force that dwells at the base of the universe, where the Divine Mother and Divine Father unite. This eternal matrix holds the key to the balance of masculine and feminine, spirit and matter, all expressions of life that seek to be integrated within us.
In her presence, we are invited to return to our original state of divine union, where we remember that we are not separate from the cosmos or the earth, but an integral part of the sacred dance of creation. This training, the Priestess of Mary Magdalene, will guide you through this transformative journey, awakening your soul to its highest potential and preparing you to embody the Magdalene teachings in every aspect of your life.
Ana Otero

Mary Magdalene Priestess and Priest Training

Teachings of the Desert Rose

Welcome to the Mary Magdalene Priestess and Priest Training for 2025. It is with deep joy and gratitude that I embrace this sacred journey with you. This marks the 13th year that I have had the honor of facilitating this training, and each year brings a new layer of depth and transformation. Together, we will dive into the mysteries of Mary Magdalene, embodying her sacred teachings as we awaken to our roles as Priestesses and Priests in service to Humanity as embodied Magdalenes.

This one-year online journey is a profound commitment to your own spiritual evolution and to the healing of the collective. Through this sacred container, we will activate the codes of remembrance, awakening the Divine Christos and Magdalene energies within each of us.

Below, you will find the curriculum, which has been crafted with love and intention to support you through each step of this transformative journey. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me directly at [email protected]. I am here to support you in every way as we walk this sacred path together.

With deep love and blessings,


Ana Otero

Magdalene Shabbat Teachings

Mary Magdalene as a Hebrew woman honored Shabbat as the most sacred ceremony of the week. We will embody Mary Magdalene’s sacred teachings and consciousness into the traditional Shabbat rituals, emphasizing a mystical and deeply spiritual approach to this weekly observance.

Sacred Ancestral Shabbat Teachings: Learning about traditional Shabbat rituals enriched with mystical interpretations and practices.Examining how these ancient teachings align with Mary Magdalene’s spiritual perspective.

Mary Magdalene’s Sacred and Secret Teachings: Delving into the lesser-known spiritual teachings and insights of Mary Magdalene. Understanding the depth and wisdom of her ministry and its implications for Shabbat practices.

Venus and Black Madonna Lineages: Mary Magdalene, the Venus lineage, and the Black Madonna as expressions within the Shabbat Ceremony.

The 13 Petalled Rose: a 13 day activation we experience in the Elul - Virgo Cycle. This 13 Petalled Rose is activated in the Ethers and we have an opportunity to remember and awaken the Soul Blue Print through Shekhinah Magdalena.

Prayers, Invocations, and Shabbat Chants: Learning specific prayers, invocations, and chants in Aramaic and Biblical Hebrew for Shabbat.

Embodying the Divine Feminine Presence in Shabbat: Integrating the Divine Feminine, as represented by Mary Magdalene, into the Shabbat experience.

Exploring the Holy Wedding Feast of Divine Union given to us by Yeshua as a theme in Shabbat ceremonies.

Activation of the New Israel and Shekinah Magdalena: Engaging in practices that embody the Shekinah (Holy Spirit – The Divine Feminine Presence) and activate the spiritual Dimension of the New Israel.Understanding the role of Mary Magdalene as the embodiment of Shekinah.

Mystical and Moon Cycle Teachings: Studying the Aramaic teachings related to lunar cycles. Incorporating these teachings into the rhythm of Magdalene Shabbat ceremonies.

Facilitating Magdalene Shabbats: Training on how to lead Magdalene Shabbat ceremonies, incorporating Mary Magdalene’s teachings and consciousness. Emphasizing a non-dogmatic, mystical approach to devotion and ceremony.

Aramaic Alchemy

Aramaic, known as a “Light Language,” is an ancient tongue that holds a profound role in Creation itself. Each Aramaic-Hebrew letter is a living being, a mystical frequency that holds a creative power in the universe. When we chant, embody, or meditate on these sacred letters, we are not just speaking words; we are calling forth the divine energies of creation, activating the light codes within our own being. The Aramaic - Hebrew letters are considered the building blocks of the universe, as through them, the Divine breathes life into form. In this training you will learn Alaha Shela Practices and Aramaic Shamanic Drumming that are designed to help you embody these letters, to become vessels for the Divine Light that moves through each sound and symbol, reactivating the ancient codes of spiritual awakening.

Through Aramaic Lunar Cycles, we align ourselves with the cosmic rhythms, bringing forth the mysteries of time as seen through the sacred language of creation. The lunar cycles in Aramaic practice offer a deeper understanding of the interplay between the heavens and the soul, guiding us through spiritual growth and transformation in alignment with celestial energies.

Aramaic Light Body Activations work to ignite and awaken the light body, the energetic field that surrounds and sustains our physical form. As we activate the light body through sacred sound and prayer, we bring forth the original codes of the Divine Light within us, allowing for healing, empowerment, and spiritual awakening.

Historically, Aramaic was the sacred language spoken by Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, and it is through this language that the early Christ Community shared their teachings. By reading Holy Scripture in its original Aramaic, we tap into the deeper layers of spiritual insight and teachings passed down by Yeshua and the Christ Lineage.  

Through my personal experiences and through my study and degree in Aramaic, I have witnessed powerful healing and awakening in my own life and through my work with others. My practice of prayer and chanting in this ancient light language and in Biblical Hebrew (Royal Aramaic) has opened pathways to the sacred codes of creation, offering me blessings that I would have never imagined.

In the end, Aramaic becomes more than a language—it becomes a pathway to divine remembrance, guiding us home to the original Light of creation, where we remember our role as co-creators in this vast and sacred universe.

Ahava, Ana Otero

Magdalene Myrraphores: Training in the Healing Arts of Biblical Sacred Oils

Myrraphore Biblical oils are living symbols of the sacred. They carry the power to awaken dormant memories of ancient healing wisdom and to activate spiritual codes that resonate with our higher self. Each Biblical oil is a doorway to a specific frequency, and by using them, we align with the divine energies they represent.

Exploring the connection between celestial bodies, Earth cycles, and Biblical Essential Oils opens a portal into the mystical alignment between nature and the divine. Through this curriculum, we will delve into:

  • Biblical Oils: A deep exploration of the mystical, esoteric, and physical properties of essential oils such as Myrrh, Frankincense, and Cedarwood. These oils, rooted in biblical teachings, offer healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.
  • Sacred Sound and Activation Codes: Learn how to amplify the power of oils through sacred sound and chants in Aramaic and Hebrew, activating the oils’ highest healing frequencies.
  • Desert Rose Ceremony: Participate in sacred rituals that incorporate these oils, aligning with planetary movements and lunar cycles, bringing divine alignment into your practice.
  • Mikveh Rituals: Engage in spiritual purification baths with Biblical oils, tapping into the ancient practices of renewal and divine cleansing.
  • Accreditation and Case Studies: Practical applications of oils as healing modalities, with an opportunity for certification upon completion of case studies.

This training will guide you into the sacred art of working with Biblical Essential Oils, blending ancient wisdom with modern healing.

Ahava, Ana Otero

Magdalene Alaha Shela Ceremonies

The Magdalene Alaha Shela Ceremonies are sacred gatherings that invite us into the deep and intimate act of prayer. In Aramaic, "Shela" means to pray, and its essence reflects the idea of covering oneself, turning inward to access the truth of our soul’s divine essence. The act of prayer becomes an inward journey, a moment of sacred remembrance where we reconnect with our spiritual source, aligning our consciousness with the Divine.
Held on the New Moon, these ceremonies honor the profound beginnings of the lunar cycle, aligning with the ancient traditions of Aramaic Creation Spirituality and Hebrew and Christian Mysticism. Each lunar month offers a new gateway into the mysteries of the universe, and through these ceremonies, we step into sacred dimensions where the divine teachings flow into our being. These gatherings are more than rituals—they are opportunities to immerse ourselves in the Cosmic Womb, receiving the celestial energies that guide our souls through the cycles of growth, healing, and renewal.
During these ceremonies, we commune with light beings of the Christ Lineage, such asYeshuaMary MagdaleneMother AnnaMother MarySarah Tamar, Angelic Realms, etc. —drawing on their wisdom and divine presence to anchor the sacred teachings within our hearts. These beings guide us through the journey of soul awakening, reminding us that we, too, are vessels of divine light.
By embracing the cycles of the moon and tuning into these divine frequencies, we deepen our connection to the Divine Presence and the Shekhinah and embody the remembrance of who we are: eternal, luminous beings on a sacred journey back to oneness.
Ana Otero

The Aramaic Magdalene Rosary

Daily Mysteries and Shekhinah Magdalena´s Holy Fire:

We will encounter and experience the 50 mysteries embedded within the sacred practice of the Magdalene Rosary, each one holding the key to the soul’s transformation. These mysteries, revealed through the cycle of the week, resonate with the Holy Fire of Shekhinah, igniting the divine flame within our hearts. As we meditate on each mystery, we actively invite the Shekhinah’s presence to purify, guide, and awaken us into deeper union with the Divine.

This daily practice becomes a spiritual alchemy, where the Holy Fire of Shekhinah Magdalena burns away the veils that keep us from fully embodying our soul’s mission, igniting the heart with divine wisdom and compassion.

Facilitating Magdalene Rosary Circles:

As a facilitator, you will learn how to hold the container for others to experience these profound teachings. Facilitating a Magdalene Rosary Circle is an act of sacred service, where we create a safe and holy space for others to enter into the sacred mysteries. Through the Magdalene Rosary, we are not only sharing prayer, we are creating a vibrational temple where the presence of Shekhinah can be felt and activated in the hearts of all participants.

In this sacred circle, participants are guided through the activations of the Holy Fire of Shekhinah Magdalena, connecting with the divine light codes of each mystery, as we collectively raise the vibration of the group and anchor these sacred frequencies into the earth.

Practical Applications and Community Building:

This work is not just about individual transformation, but about building a community rooted in the sacred mysteries of Mary Magdalene and Shekhinah. Through practical sessions, we are equipped with the tools to apply these teachings in our daily lives and create ripples of love, healing, and unity. We learn the art of leading with love, creating safe and supportive environments where others can experience the profound teachings of the Aramaic Magdalene Rosary and Shekhinah's light.

In uniting as a community, we become a sacred network of light that holds the codes of transformation for humanity and the earth.


Ana Otero

Yerushalem: Teachings of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua

The Sacred Sacraments of Mary Magdalene

The teachings of Mary Magdalene are living, breathing sacraments that awaken the soul to her highest potential. Her path is one of deep mystical union, weaving together the sacred mysteries of Yeshua, Hebrew Mysticism, and the Shekhinah Mysteries. 

 The Teachings of Yeshua through Aramaic Translations

At the heart of Yeshua's teachings lies the profound power of the Aramaic language, the mystical language of creation. Each word is a vibration, carrying the codes of Light. Through understanding Yeshua’s words in their original Aramaic form, we unlock deeper layers of his message. It is here that the true essence of love, forgiveness, and divine unity are revealed, bringing us into alignment with our soul’s mission and the Divine Plan.

2. The Magdalene Tree of Life: Sophianic Kabbalah & Hebrew Mysticism

The Magdalene Tree of Life teaches us the Hebrew Mysticism that is found in the deep teachings of Mary Magdalene. Through the Sephiroth, we journey into the heart of Sophianic Kabbalah, where the Shekhinah—the Divine Feminine Presence—guides us to awaken the inner mysteries of creation. Within the Magdalene Tree of life we will experience the inifiations of the 7 chambers of Light.

3. Sexual Chrism Awakening

The Sexual Chrism Awakening is a sacred practice, where the upper and lower waters of creation are united in divine harmony. This ancient rite, taught by the Essenes and preserved by the Magdalene lineage, is a powerful tool for spiritual ascension. Through the sacred sexual energy, the kundalini—the life force energy within us—is activated, opening pathways to higher consciousness. This union of the physical and spiritual realms allows us to embody the fullness of our divine nature.

Dragon Energy Activations

The Dragon Energy is the primordial force of creation, an ancient power that lies within the Earth and within us. By activating the Ley Lines of the Earth and working with the Serpent and the Dove—the symbols of grounded wisdom and higher ascension—we awaken the Dragon. This force moves through the Earth’s grids, activating portals and connecting us to the celestial realms. In the Magdalene tradition, this energy brings balance between Heaven and Earth, allowing us to serve as guardians of the sacred ley lines. Mary Magdalene and Sarah Tamar powerfully lead these teachings.

The Ministry of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene

Yeshua and Mary Magdalene walked a path of unity, holding the Christ Light and anchoring it upon the Earth. During this training we will learn the important teachings of their Ministry and how they embodied these teachings.

The Seven Demons and Inner Voices

We will learn and experience this initiation that Yeshua facilitated on how to release the demons we carry. Yesua called these demons Satana. Satana means that which takes us away from our light.

The School of Immaculate Conception

Mother Anna is guardian of the School of Light Conception. We will learn meditation to embody the various expressions and manifestations of Light Conception.

Gnosticism and Mysticism

In this journey, we dive deeply into The Gnostic Gospels, such as the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, the Gospel of Thomas, and the Gospel of Philip, exploring their profound mysteries through the lenses of Gnostic and Sophianic Kabbalistic wisdom. Through these gospels, we are invited to reclaim the sacredness of our divine lineage, where Mary Magdalene emerges not only as a disciple but as a spiritual master and co-teacher with Yeshua. In studying these texts, we also draw from the ZoharBahir, and Sefer Yetzirah—Aramaic wisdom teachings that help us unfold the mystical meanings embedded in the canonical gospels.

As we study the Mantle of the Bride, we are drawn into the ancient traditions of Chochma (Wisdom), which hold a key place in both Gnostic and Kabbalistic paths. Mary Magdalene, in her embodiment of the Feminine Christ, carries the mantle of this divine wisdom, offering us the sacred keys to reclaim our inherent divinity and awaken the Light of the Bride within our souls.

The path of Hieros Gamos, or Sacred Marriage, is a central theme in this journey. Through the sacred teachings of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, we explore the unification of the divine masculine and feminine within us. 

The Bridal Chamber Mysteries are at the heart of the Gnostic teachings, especially in the Gospel of Philip, where the sacraments of Divine Union are revealed as sacred rites that guide us toward communion with the Divine. These mysteries, often symbolized through sacred sexuality, represent the Path of Creation through Unity and Light, where the body becomes a vessel for divine consciousness, and through this sacred act, the masculine and feminine energies merge into the wholeness of Divine Union.

In this profound journey, we are invited to reclaim our place in the Christed lineage and remember the Holy Bride, who resides within each of us. 


Ana Otero

The Magdalene 6 Wombs

The Magdalene Six Wombs represent the sacred chambers of divine creation and transformation within us, each one holding unique keys to our spiritual awakening and embodiment. Through the wisdom of Mary Magdalene, we are invited to journey into these wombs, understanding that each one reflects a facet of the divine feminine and the sacred creative forces of life. These wombs not only reside within women but are energetic gateways for both men and women to explore their divine essence.

  1. The Physical Womb
  2. The Energetic Womb
  3. The Serpent Womb of the Holy Flame
  4. The Womb of Divine Union
  5. The Dragon Womb
  6. The Cosmic Womb

Desert Rose Womb Healing Practitioner Certification

The Desert Rose Womb Healing Practitioner Training is included in The Magdalene Priest-ess Training. Through this comprehensive program, participants will be initiated into deep and transformative womb practices, rooted in the sacred traditions of Essene Rituals of Healing and PurificationMagdalene Womb Rites, and Hathor Womb Awakening.

The Desert Rose Womb Awakening can be practiced both on oneself and facilitated for others, encompassing both women and men. It offers a pathway for profound healing and awakening by channeling the energy of the sacred womb and allowing the divine feminine and masculine to merge. These rites can also be performed in ceremonial spaces, bringing forth powerful healing in communal and personal contexts.

Upon completion of this journey, you will be fully equipped to offer Desert Rose Womb Healing practices, facilitating not only physical healing but also spiritual awakening through sacred Magdalene womb activations. These teachings are a reclamation of an ancient wisdom that heals, empowers, and initiates both men and women into the deep mysteries of divine creation.

This journey is an offering of remembrance, a path that leads back to the heart of the Divine Mother and the sacred union of the masculine and feminine energies that live within us all. 


Ana Otero

Magdalene Devotional Arts

Celestial Movement Meditations:

In these sacred practices, we align our bodies, minds, and spirits with the cosmic dance of the universe. By weaving together mantra, mudra, and movement, we access ancient spiritual technologies. Mudras, revered as a form of Light Language, were used by the Essenes and the Desert Rose Lineage to channel divine energy.

We will sync our meditative practices with the rhythms of the cosmos, tapping into the universal flow, allowing the lunar and planetary movements to guide us into deeper states of consciousness.

Desert Rose Frame Drum Practice:

Rooted in the sacred teachings of the Desert Rose Lineage, the frame drum practice allows us to touch the mystical frequencies of creation. The Frame Drum is a Biblical instrument that represents Shekhinah, the Divine Feminine Presence.

As we drum, we heal, we align, and we commune with the unseen forces that guide us.

Musical Notes and Frequencies:

Each lunar cycle is governed by a particular musical note, and by attuning ourselves to these notes, we enter into harmony with the divine rhythm of creation.

Sound carries the codes of the cosmos, and through its use, we activate the divine blueprint within our DNA, reawakening the sacred knowledge hidden within.

To work with these frequencies we will use a Shruti Box.

Voice as Medicine:

Our voices are the most potent tools we have for healing and manifestation. Through Sacred Voice Awakening and chanting, we access the Sound of Light, the vibration through which the universe was formed. Chanting in sacred languages is not simply a prayer—it is the embodiment of the divine frequencies that shape reality. It is through this sacred voice practice that we become the artists of our own existence, co-creating with the Divine the highest vision of our soul’s journey.

Temple of the Maryams:

The Temple of the Maryams, the Sacred Light Temple, is where we embody the highest frequencies of Light Creation. This lineage of the Divine Feminine teaches us how to anchor the Light of the Shekhinah Magdalena, the Divine Presence, into the physical world through sacred embodiment practices.

In the Temple of Light, we learn to tune into the divine frequencies through specific meditations, becoming vessels for divine grace and wisdom. This practice allows us to anchor the celestial codes of light within us, awakening our potential as creators and channels of divine love and light.

Ahava Sacred Dance

Ahava Sacred Dance is more than a practice of movement—it is a deep invocation, a form of Sacred Movement Meditation that connects us with the Divine frequencies of creation. Through this sacred dance, we embody the very rhythms of the cosmos, using our bodies as vessels of prayer and transformation.

Each dance is a sacred offering, aligning with the unique energies of the Lunar Cycle Portals, allowing us to step into the flow of creation. As we move, we attune to the cycles of the moon, connecting our being with the divine rhythms that guide the universe. These movements awaken the ancient memory of creation within us, a dance between the seen and unseen, between our soul and the cosmos.

Let us move as prayer. Let us dance as creation. Let us become the living embodiment of Light and Love in every sacred step. 


Ana Otero

Optional Live Magdalene Retreat for Priestesses and Priests.

There will be an optional In Person Magdalene Retreat for Priestesses and Priests of the Magdalene in Glastonbury Avalon. The price of the retreat is separate from the training.


The Training Is For...

If you feel the calling to embody the teachings of the Christ Lineage and become an Priestess - Priest of the Feminine Christ Mary Magdalene and a Wisdom holder for the Teachings of the Desert Rose, this training is for you.

Our Equality Policy

AT the Desert Rose Mystery School we are committed to Racial and Gender inclusivity in our courses, programs and trainings, as every person can come to know the path of the Magdalene Christ and experience Creation Spirituality. Any person may apply to take part in a Temple Training regardless of Race, Ethnicity, Gender Identity, Reassigment and/or Sexual Orientation. Our teachings reflect this vision for Humanity, our School, and future Priestesses and Priests.

This Path is very linked to the word AHAVA. Ahava means love in service, love in action. When we become an a Magdalene Priest - Priestess, we become a vessel of Light that is ready to spread the teachings of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene.​

As we step into the realm of divine love, all of our relationships deepen because they are infused with the experiences of treasuring, devotion and reverence. We realize and live the truth that we are both human and divine, perfect and imperfect all the same. We see that our humanness brings us to our divinity and our divinity embraces our humanity.

Walking the sacred path of love, day in and day out, invites us into divine union of body, soul, and spirit, a place where we are driven wild with pleasure and the flames of love burn so hot that they melt away anything that obscures our oneness with love.

In this ecstasy, separation dissolves. All that remains is Bliss and we become again the Vessels that hold the Divine Name.

2025 Group

I have been guiding this sacred training since 2012, and as we step into the 13th year in 2025, I am filled with immense joy and anticipation for the new group that will be joining. The number 13 carries profound spiritual significance—it holds the gematria of the Aramaic-Hebrew word "Ahava," which means love in service and love in action. I truly believe that this 13th year will be a transformative journey, both for the training and for each of you who join, as we work deeply with these powerful frequencies.

This online accredited training offers not just interactive sessions but also the beauty of independent study, so you can deeply immerse yourself in your own sacred time and space. There are extensive resources provided, from videos and audios to ebooks and PDFs, all designed to support your spiritual growth and embodiment of the teachings. In addition, there will be an optional in-person retreat for those who wish to deepen their experience with live sacred ceremony and connection.

The training begins in January 2025, and for those who register early in October, a special discount code is available. To begin, please fill out the form linked below. This allows me to connect with you on a deeper level before we start this journey together and to understand more about your unique path and intentions.

10% discount code:MARYAM2025

I am so honored to witness your "YES" to this sacred journey. Together, we will awaken to deeper mysteries and embody the sacred teachings that have been passed down through the Magdalene lineage.

CLICK HERE to fill out form.


Ana Otero

Online Platform

Live Classes and all material (Videos, Ebooks, PDfs, etc.) are uploaded to the Online Student Portal. The student Portal is easy to use and is very organised.

Classes, Teachings and Community

Live teachings and Self - Paced learning material.

Private Telegram group so you can bond with your fellow Magdalenes.


Upon Completion of the Mary Magdalene Priest-ess Training you will be ordained as a Magdalene Priest-ess and receive Accredited Certification.

The Mary Magdalene Priest-ess Training is an ACCREDITED TRAINING.


Creation is not an event but an endless symphony, a divine dance of energies weaving the tapestry of existence. In every breath, every thought, every beat of the heart, Creation is creating infinitely, echoing the limitless potential of the cosmos within us.

We are Infinity

Our souls are stardust, the echoes of cosmic songs sung across the ages. They are not confined by space and time, but stretch into infinity, carrying within them the wisdom of the ages and the promise of tomorrow. Every soul is an endless voyage, an infinite journey through the cosmos of consciousness.

Cosmic Intelligence

We are one with absolutely everything that exists. When we learn to cycle with and embody the Cosmic Intelligence, we understand that the universe can never conspire against us as we are one in co-creation with ALL.

Choose a Pricing Option

All Courses, Workshops, and Training Programs are non-refundable at The Desert Rose Mystery School.

Our bodies are the chalices of the Genesis. We are more than flesh and bone - we are the living, breathing psalms of the stars, inscribed in the sacred language of existence.
Ana Otero