Dates and info for our Gatherings

April 11, 15,00 CET

Magdalene Lunar Rose Membership

Aries New Moon Workshop and Ceremony

In the Mystical Teachings of Aramaic, Aries symbolizes the ALTAR and the SACRED RITE.

We will receive transmissions on the 9 Fruits of the Spirit and the 9 Gifts of the Spirit.

Come and seed your intentions for the next 12 months through the teachings and guidance of Mary Magdalene.

Sacred Embodiment is always included in our gatherings.

April 27, 16,00 CET

Magdalene Lunar Rose Membership

Scorpio Full Moon Workshop and Ceremony

In the Mystical Teachings of Aramaic, Scorpio symbolizes a wounding that needs to be healed and when healed we are blessed with a liberation. In our Gathering we will work with John the Baptist and the Power of the Yod. 

Sacred Embodiment is always included in our gatherings.

Tools for our Gatherings

I have standardized the Anointing Oil that we use in our Ceremonies: Jasmine, the Oil of the Moon.

If you would also like to have a mix of Spikenard and Rose Oils to align with the Activations of Mary Magdalene please feel welcomed to do so.

The Standardized Crystal that we work with is Moon Stone.

If you would like to also have with you Red Garnet and Blue Opal, symbolizing Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, Please feel welcomed to do so.

Always have for our gatherings a Candle and something to smudge with:: sage, palo Santo, incense, etc.

I enjoy having roses on my altar.


Ana Otero

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