Mary Magdalene and the 13 Petalled Rose

The Divine Feminine within each of us bears the potential to birth spiritual insights, transformation, and divine love into the world. This birthing process is not only a physical one but also a deeply spiritual and mystical act, wherein we bring forth the hidden aspects of the divine that reside within us.

The Zohar, the foundational work of Hebrew Mysticism, begins with a profound symbol: the 13 Petalled Rose, representing the Shekhinah, the Divine Feminine presence. This sacred imagery is a spiritual blueprint for awakening and transformation. The Shekhinah, referred to as the "indwelling" presence of the Divine, embodies the feminine aspect of the Divine that connects heaven and earth, guiding us towards spiritual enlightenment, truth and oneness within our incarnational experience.

In the sacredness of longing, the Mysteries do not merely unveil themselves in the fullness of time, but rather, bloom forth in radiant revelation when we, with intention and alignment, ask to witness their truth.

Ana Otero

Unveiling the Mysteries

I am so happy to present: MARY MAGDALENE AND THE 13 PETALLED ROSE, a 13 day immersion, experience, devotional pilgrimage honoring Mary Magdalene as Shekhinah Magdalena.

In these 13 days, we will explore Mary Magdalene as the living embodiment of the Shekhinah. Mary Magdalene, revered as the Kallah Messiah (Bride of the Messiah), plays a crucial role in the Messianic Age. Her teachings and presence are deeply intertwined with the mysteries of the Shekhinah and the activation of the 13 Petalled Rose within humanity.

Mary Magdalene, the living embodiment of the Shekhinah, will guide us in these 13 days of devotiona, teachings and transmissions for the blossoming of the Rose and the awakening of the Divine Feminine Presence, the Holy Spirit, within each of us. This sacred journey is infused with divine transmissions, teachings from Hebrew and Christian Mysticism, channeled messages, practices, and prayers in Aramaic and Hebrew. We will also engage in drumming and deepening our connection to Magdalene Consciousness through Ritual and awakening the inner ear to listen to the Magdalene´s Message.

These 13 days represent a powerful portal into one of the greatest teachings within the Tree of Life: TO RECEIVE, TO BECOME THE BRIDE. Part of our role here is to manifest the Malkootah, the Kingdom, and for us to do this, the 13 Petalled Rose must be awakened within the MALCHUT, our incarnational experience within this dimension.

We experience this powerful portal in the month of Elul - Virgo, the month of the Lover and the Beloved.

13 Days of Devotion, Teachings, Remembrance, Practices, Voice Awakening, Soul Expression and Divine Love

Each day, we will activate one of the 13 petals of the Rose, with each petal representing a unique emanation of Shekhinah Magdalena. Each activation is associated with a profound Aramaic teaching, and teachings from the Zohar and the Gnostic Gospels, helping us embody the sacred qualities of Mary Magdalene. This journey is not just a theoretical exploration but a living, breathing embodiment of Magdalene’s teachings, bringing you into closer alignment with her divine presence.

Through this experiential journey, we will learn to integrate these sacred qualities into our daily lives, embodying the Magdalene´s 13 Petalled Rose in all aspects of our existence. Over the course of these 13 days, you will find yourself not just learning about, but deeply experiencing and living the power of the Divine Feminine Presence, the Holy Spirit, as guided by Mary Magdalene.

These 13 Days of Devotion are somewhat different to the Novenas I facilitate, as each day there is an activation and a specific meditation - practice of the day (as opposed to one practice we do throughout the 9 days of the Novena).

The Magdalene 13 Petalled Rose Daily Activations

Day 1 The Cup of Blessings

Day 2 The Covenant: Uniting Heaven and Earth

Day 3: The Temple of the Indwelling Presence

Day 4: Malkootah, the Kingdom

Day 5: The Divine Breath of life: Mother Eve

Day 5: Nashak - The Divine Kiss

Day 6: I am Presence

Day 7: Void, The Creation Code

Day 8: Duality into unity

Day 9: The Holy Fire of Our Mission

Day 10: The Longing of the Beloved

Day 11: Satisfied Desire

Day 12: Divine Union

Day 13: The Divine Human Template

Allow the Revelation within you and through you!

In our current age, humanity stands at a crossroads, with the potential to either fall deeper into separation or rise into collective awakening. The re-emergence of Mary Magdalene as the embodiment of the Shekhinah is a call to all of us to choose the path of light, love, and unity. By activating the 13 petals of the Rose within ourselves, we participate in the healing and transformation of the world.

These 13 days of devotion invite you to walk alongside Mary Magdalene, to awaken the sacred within, and to step into your role as a vessel of the Divine Feminine. Together, we will explore ancient mysteries, engage in ancestral practices, and emerge with a deeper understanding of our purpose in this Messianic Age.

The Magdalene 13 Petalled Rose Daily Activations

We start on the 16th of September and journey together for 13 days.

What is included:

  1. Initial video with teachings of Hebrew and Christian Mysticism of Mary Magdalene´s 13 Petalled Rose. The month of Elul transmission and how the 13 Petalled Rose is activated on Earth during the Elul - Virgo month.
  2. Lover and Beloved Myrraphore Oil Blemd
  3. 13 Days of activations and transmissions, each day containing a specific practice - meditation - Aramaic / Hebrew prayer and chant. This journey is about receiving and not so much "doing". We will also be focusing on the Ceremonial in our time spent together. We will use our voices to connect with the Beresheet, Creation Creating infinitely, and learn how to embody the sacred act of receiving messages from Mary Magdalene. If you have a drum, please feel free to drum along. Each meditation for each of the Petals are rooted in the Mystical Practices of the Desert.

Although this is not a Novena, it IS a Devotional Journey with profound teachings and will be the last Novena - Devotional Journey of 2024. Every day, as of 6 am CET, you will receive the teaching and transmission of the day. There is a practice that we do daily, and the videos for our practice will be available on day 1 of the Journey.

These transmissions are powerfully awakening and healing, and I am in deep gratitude to be facilitating this sacred journey of the 13 Petalled Rose. The 13 Petalled Rose is the inspiration in my next musical creation.

If you have a Drum, you can drum along with me (you don´t need to have one).


Ana Otero

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In the sacred resonance of our voices, we birth worlds unseen, echoing the primordial dance of creation.

Ana Otero


Creation is not an event but an endless symphony, a divine dance of energies weaving the tapestry of existence. In every breath, every thought, every beat of the heart, Creation is creating infinitely, echoing the limitless potential of the cosmos within us.

We are Infinity

Our souls are stardust, the echoes of cosmic songs sung across the ages. They are not confined by space and time, but stretch into infinity, carrying within them the wisdom of the ages and the promise of tomorrow. Every soul is an endless voyage, an infinite journey through the cosmos of consciousness.

Cosmic Intelligence

We are one with absolutely everything that exists. When we learn to cycle with and embody the Cosmic Intelligence, we understand that the universe can never conspire against us as we are one in co-creation with ALL.

All Courses, Workshops, and Training Programs are non-refundable at The Desert Rose Mystery School.

Our bodies are the chalices of the Genesis. We are more than flesh and bone - we are the living, breathing psalms of the stars, inscribed in the sacred language of existence.
Ana Otero

The Mary Magdalene Priest-ess Training is an ACCREDITED TRAINING.