Our voices, sound, drumming, and languages like Aramaic and Hebrew hold profound healing powers that can touch us deeply at both physical and spiritual levels, awakening a Remembrance of lifetimes. Our voices are not just tools for communication; they are instruments of creation, capable of expressing our innermost feelings and emotions. Our voices are the part of our phyisical body that are not from here, they are connected to the Beresheet, the first moment of creation.

Drumming, as a form of sound therapy, uses rhythm and vibration to harmonize our body's energy, facilitate a meditative state, and foster a sense of unity and connection. The drum's rhythmic beats mimic the natural pulse of life, aligning us with the heartbeat of the Cosmic Intelligence.

Aramaic and Hebrew, add a very powerful layer to sound healing. These ancient languages, often used in sacred texts and prayers, hold deep vibrational qualities. When spoken or chanted, their words and phrases can resonate with our spiritual essence, promoting healing, spiritual growth, and a deeper connection with Alaha.

Combined, the power of our voices, sounds, drumming, and sacred languages like Aramaic and Hebrew can create a potent experience of healing, awakening and expansion.

Your voice , your innate sound, is the revelation of the the Holy Word.


Ana Otero

The Holy Pulse Mentorship

At the age of 19, during my university years, I chanced upon a poster advertising a course on The Dead Sea Scrolls. Intriguingly, the poster mentioned learning to read these scrolls in Aramaic - a proposition I found irresistibly exciting despite my unfamiliarity with the subject. I enrolled in the course, and the knowledge I gained was just what I needed during that particular juncture of my life.

My journey took a fascinating turn when I moved to Cairo, Egypt, to pursue my PhD. Here, I became deeply engrossed in the Arabic language. The Middle East became my home for 9 transformative years, an experience akin to a profound birthing process. During this time, I was fortunate enough to meet one of my most influential mentors, Barbakan.

My mentor guided me towards mastery of the Frame Drum, and deeper into the realms of the Hebrew and Aramaic languages. He introduced me to the practices of Essene Healing and Sophianic Kabbalah. Although language barriers existed - he didn't speak English or Spanish, my native tongues - I found that my heart resonated with his teachings, understanding every profound lesson he imparted. This journey, marked by beautiful encounters and profound learning, shaped my spiritual and intellectual pursuits in ways I could have never imagined.

With a PhD in Dance Movement Therapy and a background in dance and yoga, I've woven the teachings and insights I've received into a tapestry of fluid movement. I am certain that guidance from the divine, specifically Magdalene and Hathor, has been instrumental in this process.

After two years of studying with Barbakan, I experienced my first apparition of Mary Magdalene. This profound encounter led me to the Shekhinah, the embodiment of the Divine Feminine Presence. In the comforting embrace of the Holy Spirit, of Shekhinah, I began to recollect my divine purpose.

Now, I am here to assist you on your own journey of awakening. Through the power of your voice, your unique sound, drumming, sound vibration, and movement, you can experience profound transformation. It is my mission to guide you in embodying the richness of the Hebrew and Aramaic languages, providing a profound path for your spiritual and personal growth.

The Holy Pulse

Training Module Curriculum: Holy Pulse 1-1 Mentorship - Embracing the Power of Sacred Voice


This personalized 1-1 mentorship program, led by Ana Otero, is designed to guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing through the power of your voice. This program focuses on harnessing your unique sound vibration for healing, manifestation, creation, and connecting with your mission. It offers a blend of intuitive healing practices, vocal empowerment, and spiritual explorations.

Curriculum Components

Healing Journey with Your Voice:

Personalized guidance to tap into the healing and transformative power of your voice.

Techniques for using your voice to heal your womb, heart, and past lives.

Awakening Your Soul Signature Sound:

Discovering and cultivating your unique Soul Signature Sound as a tool for holistic healing and spiritual growth.

Becoming a vessel of sacred sound and a voice healer.

Intuitive Healing Practice:

Developing an intuitive healing practice aligned with your personal rhythm, Earth cycles, and cosmic intelligence.

Learning to awaken and utilize the power of your voice in daily life.

Aramaic and Hebrew for Healing and Activation:

Exploring the healing properties and spiritual activations inherent in Aramaic and Hebrew.

Applying these ancient languages to enhance your spiritual journey and healing practices.

Incorporating Sacred Dance and Movement:

Integrating sacred dance, chanting, and movement into your daily routine for a consecrated lifestyle.

Embracing embodiment practices to complement your vocal explorations.

Creation through Sacred Sound:

Learning to birth creations and manifest intentions through the sacred sound of your voice.

Mentorship Structure

  • Fortnightly Online Sessions: Engage in fortnightly sessions with Ana over a period of 4 months, conducted online via Zoom. These sessions are recorded for infinite access.
  • Sacred Sound Opening Ceremony: Begin with a 90-minute ceremony, including an intuitive reading and a Sound Healing session in Light Language, culminating in an intention ritual tailored to your needs.
  • 7 x 1:1 Sacred Voice Sessions: Dive deep into ceremonial journeys focusing on the Path of the Sacred Voice and your Soul’s signature sound. Receive personalized guidance and empowerment in these 90-minute sessions.
  • Desert Rose Bee Sound Practices: Access to exclusive video content on the Desert Rose Bee Sound Practices and Meditations. Receive a curated daily practice with guided rituals and sacred songs.
  • Channeling Your Sound: Learn to channel your sound and music through Aramaic, Light Language, and specific sound frequencies.
  • Personalized Energy Reading and Practice: Receive a customized energy reading from Ana, followed by a curated practice to open up to your Sacred Sound and the music yearning to flow through you.
  • Creating Your Own Soundscapes: Guidance on creating your own song, chant, or sound frequency, embracing your unique vocal expression.

Program Outcomes

Upon completion of the Holy Pulse 1-1 Mentorship, you will have developed a profound connection with your voice as a tool for healing, creation, and spiritual growth. You will be equipped with a personalized daily practice, empowering you to live a life of sacred sound and harmony. Embrace this journey to become a beacon of your Soul’s signature sound, embodying the Divine Union and the power of AHAVA.

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