Mother Anna Violet Flame Healing Accredited Training

Mother Anna, the Grandmother of Yeshua, is revered as the keeper of ancient wisdom, the matriarch of the Divine Feminine lineage, and the embodiment of the Holy Flame of Creation. Her Violet Flame serves as a gateway to deep healing, rebirth, and spiritual awakening. This program will guide you through the teachings, healing modalities, and initiations connected to Mother Anna and her Violet Flame, empowering you to work with this energy for personal transformation and to serve others.

Mother Anna is the source of sacred feminine wisdom and the protector of the Holy Family. In mystical traditions, Mother Anna is more than just a historical figure; she is a divine archetype representing the ancient feminine mysteries, holding the knowledge of creation, healing, and spiritual initiation. Her presence is deeply nurturing, embodying the Mother of Mothers and the Womb of Creation.

In the sacredness of longing, the Mysteries do not merely unveil themselves in the fullness of time, but rather, bloom forth in radiant revelation when we, with intention and alignment, ask to witness their truth.

Ana Otero

Mother Anna

Throughout her life, Mother Anna was said to be a high priestess, deeply connected to the Temple of Jerusalem, where she trained others in sacred rituals and spiritual practices. She played a pivotal role in initiating Mary into the mysteries of the Divine Feminine, preparing her for her role as the mother of Yeshua. Mother Anna’s lineage reaches far beyond her earthly life, connecting to ancient priestess traditions, particularly in Avalon, Egypt, and the Essene community, where she taught the sacred rites of sacred union and cosmic creation.

Sacred Teachings of Mother Anna

Mother of Divine Feminine Lineage: Mother Anna is the matriarch of the Divine Feminine lineage. Her teachings were essential in nurturing the divine mission of Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, anchoring the sacred feminine codes into the Earth.

Priestess of Sacred Union: Mother Anna embodied the teachings of Sacred Union, understanding the balance between the masculine and feminine, the internal and external forces of creation. Her work with the Violet Flame activates the Conception of Light within ourselves, our Relationships and our Creations.

Womb of Creation: As the keeper of the Womb of Creation, Mother Anna teaches how to activate the womb space as the center of creative power and spiritual energy. Her connection to the womb of Imma Illah helps women and men alike to heal their womb space, reconnect with their sacred power, and bring their soul’s creations to life.

Healer of the Ancestral Line: Mother Anna works deeply with the ancestral realms, using the Violet Flame to heal karmic wounds and patterns passed down through generations. She assists in reprogramming cellular memory and releasing any ancestral trauma that keeps us from stepping into our true power.

Guardian of Divine Mission: Mother Anna represents the guardian of the soul's divine mission. She teaches us to align our earthly life with our soul’s purpose, and how to manifest this purpose in the world through integrity, love, and divine guidance.

Mother Anna Violet Flame Training:

Healing Technology:

The 13 Healing Sacred Symbols - Seals and Sacred Sounds for activating Mother Anna´s Violet Flame.

Mother Anna Violet Flame Womb Healing to cleanse, heal, and energize the womb space. This practice will help you release any trauma or blocks and connect with your creative power. Mother Anna Violet Flame Womb Rite.

Mother Anna Violet Flame Ancestral Healing to heal ancestral wounds and patterns, reprogram your cellular memory, and bring healing to your family line.

Mother Anna Violet Flame Light Conception Union. Healing technology to awaken the presence of the Holy Spirit in our DNA strands. This healing technology will bring Divine Union within and in our relationships by restoring us to the Blueprint of Light Conception. 

Mother Anna Violet Flame for universal flow. This healing technology and meditation will help you birth your soul’s creations into the world. Awakening our Shiveti Adonai.

Channeling Mother Anna. We will learn a specific frequency meditation to channel the healing presence of Mother Anna and to receive her guidance and messages.

There will also be a space to share stories about Mother Anna and the importance of her Manifestation as Guardian of Light Conception and Matriarch of the Violet Flame and Divine Feminine Lineage. I will also share where Mother Anna established the connection in the ley lines between Jerusalem and Avalon.

In our training we use the practice of Sacred Sound with Aramaic - Hebrew Mantras and Sacred Sound. Sacred Body Technology and Drumming are an important part of our Ceremony, Ritual and Alaha Shela (prayer in Sacred Unity).

Awaken Mother Anna´s Violet Flame

This training es experienced an online immersion in real time:

Friday: 15,00 - 17,30

Saturday: 15,00 - 18,30

Sunday: 15,00 - 18,30

Course content also includes a beautiful Manual.

Accreditation is received upon completion of Case Studies and Reflections.

Who Is This Training For?

  • Healers, Lightworkers, and Spiritual Seekers: Whether you are an experienced healer or just beginning your spiritual path, this training will equip you with the knowledge and tools to work with the Violet Flame and Mother Anna’s sacred healing technologies.
  • Those Seeking Deep Personal Healing: This program offers profound opportunities for personal healing, allowing you to release trauma, reconnect with your divine feminine power, and align with your soul’s highest calling.
  • Practitioners Looking to Offer Transformative Healing: If you feel called to share these healing modalities with others, this training will provide you with the skills and certifications to become a Mother Anna Violet Flame Practitioner, facilitating the sacred healings in sacred circles or individually in 1-1 healing sessions.


Online Immersion Sacred Training Circle

Our Training Circle is in November:

8th, 9th and 10th. This is the perfect time of the year, as the Nun (Aramaic - Hebrew Letter) Codes are activated in this moment. The replay is available for those who cannot be present in Real Time.

There is a 15% discount available until the 22nd of September.

Discount code: IMMA

Limited Spaces available.


Ana Otero

Choose a Pricing Option

In the sacred resonance of our voices, we birth worlds unseen, echoing the primordial dance of creation.

Ana Otero


Creation is not an event but an endless symphony, a divine dance of energies weaving the tapestry of existence. In every breath, every thought, every beat of the heart, Creation is creating infinitely, echoing the limitless potential of the cosmos within us.

We are Infinity

Our souls are stardust, the echoes of cosmic songs sung across the ages. They are not confined by space and time, but stretch into infinity, carrying within them the wisdom of the ages and the promise of tomorrow. Every soul is an endless voyage, an infinite journey through the cosmos of consciousness.

Cosmic Intelligence

We are one with absolutely everything that exists. When we learn to cycle with and embody the Cosmic Intelligence, we understand that the universe can never conspire against us as we are one in co-creation with ALL.

All Courses, Workshops, and Training Programs are non-refundable at The Desert Rose Mystery School.

Our bodies are the chalices of the Genesis. We are more than flesh and bone - we are the living, breathing psalms of the stars, inscribed in the sacred language of existence.
Ana Otero

The Mary Magdalene Priest-ess Training is an ACCREDITED TRAINING.

Example Curriculum

  Mother Anna Violet Flame Training
Available in days
days after you enroll