Reception of the Shekhinah
The Soul lives and moves in spiral time, She knows deep down that we need to continually renew our relationship to Her, to allow the myriads of deaths and rebirths to occur as they wish, surrendering to the stronger current and desire of life to move, to shift, to transform.
We are not separate but entangled in a world that is always in the process of becoming. To be human is to participate in the creation of this world that is always creating and being created, and each one of us is here to partake in the cosmic dance of life.
Ana Otero
Reception of Shekhinah
Taurus is the union of matter with Spirit through the Presence of the Holy Spirit, of Shekinah. Neptune as a planet resides in the pineal gland, what many Gnostics call the seat of the soul. Through the decalcification of the pineal gland our body is opened to the experience of receiving the Holy Spirit, since its dwelling is said to be activated in the Pineal Gland.
The Bull, related to Taurus, represents our procreative desire. When we unite the energy of the Bull with the Energy of Neptune there is an activation in the throat Chakra, the seat of Taurus in our body, which awakens our clairaudient capacity. From this clairaudient power we are able to listen to the sound of our breathing, which is the presence of Shekinah, and listen to the messages of the beings of Light. Shekinah's messenger angel, Sandalphon, reveals himself to us and creates a bridge for communication with Cosmic Energies.
Last month, Nisan, was the time when seeds were planted. In Iyar we plough the earth, nurturing the new seeds, helping them grow into the harvest of the coming month of Sivan.
In the Bible, the month of Iyar is called “Ziv,” meaning radiance.
The month of Iyar is commonly referred to as the month of natural healing, for its name is an acronym for Ani Adonai Rofecha, “I am G-d your Healer” (Exodus 15:26) .
Tradition teaches that Miriam’s Well first appeared during Iyar, as did manna, the food that sustained the ancient Israelites during their desert journey.
Iyyar is a month of Healing, Radiance, Divine Feminine Presence, and as our intention is to align with the true mystical teachings of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene and the Desert Rose Teachers, This month of Iyyar - Taurus is a powerful connection to the Pleiadese, the Hathors, and Sound is venerated as the ultimate co-creation.
In this course my intention is to present to you the Gnostic - Biblical Astrological Teachings of this powerful Lunar Cycle.
What is included:
Talk on the Month of Iyyar, Taurus, and the Gnosis, Mysticism and Mystery of this month.
Practice to embody the Reception of Shekhinah.
Pleiadian Activation Codes.
Chanting practice of Hathors Light Language and Healing Mantras in Aramaic.
Aramaic Letters of the Month.
Myrraphore - Biblical Essential Oil Teaching. We will use Rosemary Essential Oil and Olive Oil Carrier Oil.
Aramaic Drumming for Healing
So many have asked me to create a training in Gnostic - Biblical Astrology and these monthly courses are essential to these teachings.
Ahava and Blessings to all,
Ana Otero
Jerusalem Template
Through the power of your body, breath, sound and intention, you will activate the Magalene Covenant and come into a deeper understanding of what this means and part of the Mission of Mary Magdalene.
This practice integrates the Alaha Shela Practices of Aramaic Alchemy, Magdalene Womb Yoga, Egyptian Energy Medicine and the practice of Chanting to Holy Light Language.
Aligning with the Cycles is prophetic, as when we enter a portal, the Mystery is revealed to us and we become the Living Oracle.
Example Curriculum
Mary Magdalene Says...
Life is full of both meaning and hope. Reality lies within the heart and illusion is created in the mind.
When you trust yourself enough to open your mind to all that already exists within you, you shall find yourself living the expanded reality of Infinity.
Channeled by Ana Otero
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