A 9 Day Devotional Journey to awaken the Malchut Nukveh

Black Madonna Montserrat carries the powerful activation and transmissions of the Dragon Magdalene Consciousness. She is a unifier, healer, and is present in our collective field in this moment. She represents an emanation and expression of Mary Magdalene and the unification of Hebrew and Christian Mysticism. During this 9 day online pilgrimage we will awaken the Malchut Nukveh. Malchut Nukveh represents the idea of the physical world as a vessel that receives and manifests the divine light and energies from the higher Dimensions. Malchut Nukveh is an important teaching of Mary Magdalene within the codes creation, where the feminine aspect plays a crucial role in receiving and bringing forth the divine in the tangible world.


A 9 Day Devotional Journey to meet the Queen of Venus

The Black Madonna Montserrat, Our Lady of Montserrat, is one of the 51 Black Madonnas in Spain and one of the most venerated in the World.

The fascinating shapes of the Montserrat Mountain have been a source of inspiration and awe for many. Some sources indicate that in the Roman times (197DC), there was already a Roman temple dedicated to Venus, in the Montserrat Mountain. The Virgin Mary was considered to be the Queen of Venus for this Temple, that would have been located where now stands the Chapel of Saint Michael, less than a 30 minute walk from the monastery, and not many feet above the location of the Holy Cave, where Our Lady of Montserrat was found.

As for the statue, some believe Yeshua himself asked Saint Luke to carve a sculpture with the portrait of the Virgin Mary, and that she lent him the carpentry tools she still kept at home. Years later, Saint Paul arrived to Barcelona on a boat, carrying that sculpture with him, which he gifted to the local Christian community. Because it arrived from Jerusalem, people called her the “Jerusalemite”.

In 718 Barcelona was attacked by the moors, and the Christians decided to evacuate the sculpture and hide it in a cave in the mountain of Montserrat. But since the moors controlled Barcelona for the next 80 years, the exact location of the statue was eventually forgotten.

One night, in 880, a group of young shepherds saw light coming out of a cave in the mountain. There was also music playing. When they approached it, they saw a sculpture of the Virgin Mary surrounded by angels playing instruments and signing. 

They decided to run to the Bishop of Manresa. The Bishop went to the cave with them and decided to take the sculpture to town so she could be properly worshipped in the Cathedral. But as they started carrying her down another miracle happened: she started becoming heavier and heavier, so in the end nobody was able to lift her up anymore. That’s when the Bishop understood the message: She wanted to stay in the mountain.

Our Lady of Montserrat has a great message for humanity, and her consciousness is greatly felt in the collective in this present moment.

Join me and our sacred Desert Rose Community as we unveil in the sacredness of our 9 Day Devotional Journey the revelations that Our Lady of Montserrat has for each one of us.


Ana Otero

At the Desert Rose Mystery School we celebrate 3 Novenas a year, (9 Day Devotional Journeys), and it is with so much joy, happiness and devotion that I welcome you the our second Novena of 2024: Our Lady of Montserrat, a 9 Day Devotional Journey to the Queen of the Temple of Venus.

The 9 Day Devotional journeys at The Desert Rose Mystery School are filled with Practices, meditations, transmissions, stories, healings, teachings, drumming, sacred story telling, readings from the Zohar, Sacred Scripture and the Gospels, chanting in the languages of Aramaic and Hebrew, Celestial Movement Meditations, DMT Ritual Movement, and so much more.


Ana Otero

Day 1. Our Lady of Montserrat: Black Light of Creation and the Temple of Venus: The Black Madonna embodies the primordial black light of creation, representing the mysterious source from which all life emerges. Her darkness is not absence but the fullness of potentiality, the fertile void from which new possibilities arise. On Day 1 we will receive the transmission and teachings of Our Lady of Montserrat as the Queen of the Temple of Venus and Mother Mary as the Queen of Venus. 

Teachings - Transmissions - Healing Prayer 1 in Aramaic - Teaching from the Zohar and Sacred Scripture - Daily Movement Meditation - Chanting - Ceremonial Drumming - Sacred Story Telling

Day 2. Our Lady of Montserrat as Our Lady of Yerushalem: Teachings on the activations received from the Montserrat and her connection to the Divine Feminine in the tradition of the Kabbalah and the Tree of Life. We will receive her message and activate the Dimension of Jerusalem within us. We will understand why Yeshua wanted a carving of his Mother and the symbolism behind the sacred act within the mystical traditions of the Desert.

Teachings - Transmissions - Healing Prayer 2 in Aramaic - Teaching from the Zohar and Sacred Scripture - Daily Movement Meditation - Chanting - Ceremonial Drumming - Sacred Story Telling

Day 3. Our Lady of Montserrat as the Womb of Creation: She is revered as the womb of creation, the sacred vessel through which the divine gives birth to the cosmos. On this day we will receive the transmission of the activations held within the orb of the Earth that she is holding with her right hand and understand the stories of the Divine Feminine Presence of Jerusalem, where she is believed to come from, and link them to the consciousness of her statue as Black Madonna. We will be guided to activate our Womb of Creation. On this day we will also understand the connection of our Lady of Montserrat with Mary Magdalene, understanding the Magdalene ley lines of the Montserrat Area.

Teachings - Transmissions - Healing Prayer 3 in Aramaic - Teaching from the Zohar and Sacred Scripture - Daily Movement Meditation - Chanting - Ceremonial Drumming - Sacred Story Telling

Day 4. Our Lady of Montserrat Alchemy of Darkness: She brings us a powerful message of embracing the darkness within ourselves and the world, so we can uncover hidden truths and evolve into our highest selves. This day is about allowing Our Lady of Montserrat to guide us in the revelation of what is concealed within us. This day we focus on our Voice as the sacred sound of creation as we dive into deep Sound Mysteries. Our voices are still connected to the Infinite Light of Creation.

Teachings - Transmissions - Healing Prayer 4 in Aramaic - Teaching from the Zohar and Sacred Scripture - Daily Celestial Movement Meditation and Practice - Chanting - Ceremonial Drumming - Sacred Story Telling

Day 5. Our Lady of Montserrat. Divine Feminine Mysteries: Unveiling the Mysteries of the divine feminine through a deep exploration of our own souls and reconnect with the feminine face of God. On this day we will receive Montserrat in a channeled message for each of us.

Teachings - Transmissions - Healing Prayer 5 in Aramaic - Teaching from the Zohar and Sacred Scripture - Daily Celestial Movement Meditation and Practice - Chanting - Ceremonial Drumming - Sacred Story Telling

Day 6. Our Lady of Montserrat. Union of Opposites: She embodies light and darkness, creation and destruction, masculine and feminine energies within herself. Through our Lady of Montserrat we will explore the themes of Duality within us and the collective and receive a Magdalene Yeshua Transmission that will help us unite with the different sparks of our souls that become scattered in the moment of our incarnation. 

Teachings - Transmissions - Healing Prayer 6 in Aramaic - Teaching from the Zohar and Sacred Scripture - Daily Celestial Movement Meditation and Practice - Chanting - Ceremonial Drumming - Sacred Story Telling

Day 7. Our Lady of Montserrat .Transcendence of Duality: On this day distinctions between self and other, spirit and matter, will dissolve, revealing the underlying oneness of all things. Special Kabbalistic Meditations to birth the light from the unification of duality.

Teachings - Transmissions - Healing Prayer 7 in Aramaic - Teaching from the Zohar and Sacred Scripture - Daily Celestial Movement Meditation and Practice - Chanting - Ceremonial Drumming - Sacred Story Telling

Day 8. Healing through Devotion: Special Devotional Ritual to Our Lady of Montserrat. We will experience a Healing through the Left Hand of Montserrat, known to heal and bless with miracles. Be ready to receive powerful healing and blessings on this day!

Teachings - Transmissions - Healing Prayer 8 in Aramaic - Teaching from the Zohar and Sacred Scripture - Daily Celestial Movement Meditation and Practice - Chanting - Ceremonial Drumming - Sacred Story Telling

Day 9 Our Lady of Montserrat. Path of Surrender: On this day we let go of egoic control and surrender to the divine will. In her embrace, we find solace and refuge, trusting in her wisdom to guide us on our journey of spiritual awakening and self-discovery. On this day we enter true emptiness so we may emerge as light from the darkness of our void.

Teachings - Transmissions - Healing Prayer 9 in Aramaic - Teaching from the Zohar and Sacred Scripture - Daily Celestial Movement Meditation and Practice - Chanting - Ceremonial Drumming - Sacred story Telling

How do we experience this Novena?

Every day during this 9 day devotional journey you will receive access to the teachings of the day as of 6,00 CET.

On the first day of the Novena you will receive your daily practice. This Novena is special as it includes DMT Ritual Movement as well, so we can connect more to our bodies and work with the energies of the Black Madonna, particularly Our Lady of Montserrat.

A few days before the Novena, I will upload the Biblical Myrraphore oil that bears the name Our lady of Montserrat and I will also guide you in the altar creation for this beautiful Devotional Journey.

You will also enjoy beautiful images from the Sacred Land of Montserrat.

I advise to join once the Devotional Journey is open for registration so you can start to prepare for this magical experience.


Ana Otero

I feel blessed to journey with all of you in such sacred work.

Just as las year in 2023, the Novena will begin on July 13 and finish on the 21st, just in time for our Community Gathering on the 22nd to celebrate the Feast Day of Our Lady Mary Magdalene.

I always make Novenas very accessible to all as the more we gather, the stronger the energy and the container.

Access to all of the Videos and PDFs is infinite.

Sending all of you so much love.


Ana Otero


Creation is not an event but an endless symphony, a divine dance of energies weaving the tapestry of existence. In every breath, every thought, every beat of the heart, Creation is creating infinitely, echoing the limitless potential of the cosmos within us.

We are Infinity

Our souls are stardust, the echoes of cosmic songs sung across the ages. They are not confined by space and time, but stretch into infinity, carrying within them the wisdom of the ages and the promise of tomorrow. Every soul is an endless voyage, an infinite journey through the cosmos of consciousness.

Cosmic Intelligence

We are one with absolutely everything that exists. When we learn to cycle with and embody the Cosmic Intelligence, we understand that the universe can never conspire against us as we are one in co-creation with ALL.

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All courses, programs, wprkshops, trainings, events and retreats are non-refundable at The Desert Rose Mystery School

Our bodies are the chalices of the Genesis. We are more than flesh and bone - we are the living, breathing psalms of the stars, inscribed in the sacred language of existence.
Ana Otero