Magdalene Christ Rosa Mystica Devotional Novena

July 13th - July 21

July 22: Feast Day of Mary Magdalene

Devotion is inherently a feminine expression of spirituality, embodying the qualities typically associated with the Divine Feminine - nurturing, intuitive, and receptive. It's about surrendering, offering, and merging, which are also intrinsic aspects of the feminine principle.

Devotion invites us to step into the flow of divine grace, to move with the rhythm of life and allow it to guide us, much like a dancer surrenders herself to the music. When we practice devotion, we're not just dancing to the divine music of existence, we are the dance itself. The mystical experience of devotion is a cosmic choreography where we are both the dancer and the dance. We move and are moved, we act and are acted upon.

In this divine dance, the boundaries of self and other dissolve, and we find ourselves lost in the music, yet more profoundly found than ever before. It is in this beautiful paradox that the power of devotion resides. As we lose ourselves in the dance of devotion, we find ourselves in the heart of the Divine Feminine, in the loving, expansive embrace of the cosmic mother.

This dance is not one of exertion but of surrender. It's about relinquishing control and allowing the divine to lead. It's about trusting in the cosmic intelligence and having faith in the ebb and flow of existence. It's about moving with grace, courage, and reverence, fully present in each moment.

In the embrace of the Divine Feminine, devotion becomes a path to profound spiritual awakening, a journey into the depths of our being, where we encounter the divine within ourselves and in all of existence. It's a path of heart, of love, and of deep, transformative surrender. It's the dance of life itself, a spiritual symphony played out in the vast theatre of the cosmos.
Ana Otero

Magdalene - Christ Devotional Rosa Mystica Novena

I am so happy to present to you our second novena in 2023. In February we experienced the powerful Sarah Tamar Novena and in the Month of July we will dive deep into The Magdalene - Christ Lineage and culminate our 9 days of Devotion with a special celebration on the Feast Day of Mary Magdalene.

A novena is an incredibly transformative process, a spiritual practice that serves as a powerful conduit for divine energies, gnosis, and inner alchemical change.

I have a deep passion for Novenas and I have been practicing and facilitating Novenas for many years. I have witnessed through personal experience the transformation what is manifested within us and outside of us.

Each day will bring us a pearl of wisdom, strung together they will form a necklace of enlightenment that graces the spirit, a divine circle symbolizing the sacred cycle of rebirth and renewal. 

Each step taken in these nine days will bring us into a holy communion, linking the mortal to the divine, the Earth to the Heavens, the human to the celestial.

In the dawn of day 1, we will invoke the spirit of Mary Magdalene, her wisdom, her serenity, her unwavering faith. Like a seed buried in the depths of the earth, we will germinate in her love.

The rhythm of our 9 day Devotional Journey becomes a pulse, a heartbeat that syncs with the rhythm of the universe, the ebbs and flows of cosmic tides. We whirl in the dance of devotion, each spin bringing us closer to our inner light, each beat of our heart echoing the ancient chants that call upon the divine love of Alaha (Divine Mother - Father).

A transformation takes place during a Novena. The chrysalis of devotion bursts open, revealing the butterfly of our spiritual awakening. We become a living testament to the power of faith, an embodiment of the divine love that Mary Magdalene and Christ symbolize.

Nine days of devotion. A pilgrimage of the soul that transcends the mundane, illuminating the path of the spiritual seeker. Like a flame guiding us in the darkness, this devotional journey brings us closer to the light of who we are and to the eternal embrace of divine love.

The Novenas I facilitate are more than a nine-day sequence of prayers. They are more like ritualistic journeys, a sacred period of focused spiritual work. Each day, each prayer, each practice, each teaching, each mantra - chant becomes a a living transmission that keeps creating within us even after the Novena has finished.

How does a Novena work at the Desert Rose Mystery School?

Each day for 9 days, as of 6,00 am CET, the transmission for the day will be accessible. This particular Novena is dedicated to the Magdalene - Christ Lineage, the Lineage of Light. Next to each of the Light Beings you will see the theme that each one of them has asked me to share in this Devotional Novena. In this Novena we will be guided by the Light Beings of The Spiral of the Rosa Mystica.

Day 1: Mary Magdalene: Creation and Creative Power. Where does Creation come from and how can we access this Power and Expand this Power. In Aramaic: The Beresheet. Rosa Mystica Awakening.

Day 2: Yeshua: Healing through the Holy Spirit, the Divine Feminine Presence. I will facilitate an Essene Healing. Rosa Mystica Awakening.

Day 3: Sarah Tamar: Gridding the New Earth within our Bodies. We will use specific activation codes to bring down frequencies that we are asked to ground as a collective. Rosa Mystica Awakening.

Day 4: Mother Mary: Preparing our Earth for the Queen of the Heavens to manifest. Activating the Celestial Waters for birthing the Mother Queen through our Bodies and Incarnational Experience. Rosa Mystica Awakening.

Day 5: Mother Anna: Purpose and Divine Mission Activation. I will facilitate a Chrism Awakening for the throat chakra. Rosa Mystica Awakening.

Day 6: Yohanan the Baptizer. Healing our Sexual Energy. Baptism of Masculine and Feminine in unity. Purification of our sexual energy. Rosa Mystica Awakening.

Day 7: Lazarus and Marta. Rebirth in Service. Sacred Storytelling. Rosa Mystica Awakening.

Day 8: Shekhinah - The Prophetess Myriam. Sacred Voice Awakening. The Power of Sound to activate the Inner Oracle. Rosa Mystica Awakening.

Day 9: Imma Illah (The Cosmic Divine Mother) and the Hathors. Infinity and Divine Origin. I will facilitate a Pleiadian - Hathor Healing. Rosa Mystica Awakening.

The Novena includes:

Transmissions - Teachings - Channelings - Healings

A curated practice for 9 days

Aramaic Mantras and Drumming

Light Language

Yesodic States of Consciousness (Purification of our Waters of Creation)

Ritual - Devotion

Talks and Stories

Aramaic Ceremonial Drumming

The Novena starts on July 13th until July 21st, and on July 22nd is Mary Magdalene´s Feast Day Celebration at The Desert Rose Mystery School.

I make Novenas very accessible to all, as I believe they are important in these times. I offer these Novenas 3 times a year.

Sending so much love.


Ana Otero


Creation is not an event but an endless symphony, a divine dance of energies weaving the tapestry of existence. In every breath, every thought, every beat of the heart, Creation is creating infinitely, echoing the limitless potential of the cosmos within us.

We are Infinity

Our souls are stardust, the echoes of cosmic songs sung across the ages. They are not confined by space and time, but stretch into infinity, carrying within them the wisdom of the ages and the promise of tomorrow. Every soul is an endless voyage, an infinite journey through the cosmos of consciousness.

Cosmic Intelligence

We are one with absolutely everything that exists. When we learn to cycle with and embody the Cosmic Intelligence, we understand that the universe can never conspire against us as we are one in co-creation with ALL.

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Our bodies are the chalices of the Genesis. We are more than flesh and bone - we are the living, breathing psalms of the stars, inscribed in the sacred language of existence.
Ana Otero