Ahava Sacred Dance and Drumming Workshop

The Healing Waters of Tammuz

Ahava Sacred Dance® is a transcendental experience that unites the ancient wisdom of Desert Rose Teachings with the holistic principles of Sacred Dance. Created with the deepest reverence and prayer, this unique prayer movement practice is an embodiment of love, intention, and devotion.

At its core, Ahava Sacred Dance is about connection — to oneself, to others, and to the Cosmic Intelligence. Drawing inspiration from the quantum energy of the Aramaic Letters, each movement becomes a conduit for channeling divine energy. The letters themselves, sacred and full of creation , resonate with frequencies that have the potential to shift, heal, and transform.

When practiced within a community, in the sanctified space of a circle, the dance takes on a deep significance. Participants become part of a dynamic mandala, a living representation of the heavenly realm. As we dance, we anchor the ethereal Light Codes into the Earth, bringing together light, spirit, and matter.​

While Ahava Sacred Dance® can be a collective act of worship and activation, it can equally be a personal journey. As an individual practice, the dance becomes an intimate prayer, a moving meditation, and a manifestation of one's deepest intentions and devotions. Every step, every movement, every lift of the arms becomes a conversation with the divine.

Ahava Sacred Dance® serves as a bridge between realms, a harmonization of body and spirit, and an expression of the power of intentional movement. Whether danced in solitude or in communion with others, Ahava Sacred Dance® invites you to a higher plane of consciousness, to a space where every movement is a sacred act of love.


The Healing Waters of Tammuz

Tammuz: A Sacred Time for Transformation

During my time in Egypt, as the month of Tammuz approached, my teacher Barbakan would guide us through special mikvehs (spiritual baths) designed to heal the soul and cleanse through various water rituals. These experiences made Tammuz - Cancer feel incredibly sacred and transformative.

The Power of Tammuz

Tammuz is an exceptionally powerful month because the Light of Alaha (God) is received on Earth and in our vessels without any filters. This is akin to a cup overflowing with water, symbolizing the potential for chaos if not properly channeled.

Channeling the Light

To channel this Light and prevent chaos, we must strengthen our vessels through the letters Chet (ח), which creates the zodiacal frequency of Cancer, and Tav (ת), which represents the moon. These letters help us manage the abundant energy of Tammuz.

Themes of Tammuz

  • Emotional Purification: Tammuz invites us to cleanse and release deep-seated emotions, echoing the cleansing properties of water.
  • Spiritual Insight: Known as the month of vision, Tammuz helps us see beyond the surface and understand deeper truths.
  • Mourning and Reflection: Starting with the fast of the 17th of Tammuz, this period commemorates historical and personal losses, encouraging reflection and resilience.
  • Intuition and Wisdom: The water element is deeply connected to intuition and feminine wisdom, encouraging us to tap into these inner resources.

The Healing Water of Tammuz

Workshop Themes

Through Somatic Movement, Sacred Dance, Curated Practices, Ceremonial Frame Drumming, and Sound Mysteries, we will explore the following themes:

  • Spiritual Insight: Vision and Clarity in Tammuz
  • Moon’s Embrace: Dancing with Tammuz Energies
  • Sacred Mourning: Dance Rituals for Tammuz
  • Ancient Waters: Connecting with Ancestral Wisdom
  • Inner Light: Dance and Drumming for Spiritual Healing
  • Nurture and Protect: Sacred Movements of Tammuz

Join me as we delve into these powerful themes through intention, movement, prayer, purification, and sacred sound.


 Ana Otero

Our Experience

Transmissions and Teachings on the Month of Tammuz

Kabbalistic Meditations and Alaha Shell Practices

  • Preparation through the Letters Chet and Tav: Engage in deep Kabbalistic meditations focusing on these powerful letters, integral to channeling the energies of Cancer and the moon.

Somatic Intentional Movement

  • Movement practices designed for deep emotional and physical healing.

Ahava Sacred Dance Practice and Movement Meditation

  • Participate in sacred dance practices that integrate movement meditation, allowing you to embody the healing and intuitive intuitive energies of Tammuz.

Ceremonial Frame Drumming

  • Ceremonial drumming rituals, connecting with the rhythms of Mayim (lower waters) and Shamayim (upper waters) of Creation.

Sacred Voice Awakening

  • Awaken your sacred voice through the Sound Mysteries of the Aramaic - Hebrew letter Mem, exploring its profound impact on your spiritual journey.

Aramaic and Hebrew Prayer Chants

Join me in this sacred journey of exploration and transformation.


Ana Otero

Ahava Sacred Dance and Ceremonial Frame Drumming

August 2, 15,00 CET

The replay is available for those who cannot make it in real time.


Ana Otero


Creation is not an event but an endless symphony, a divine dance of energies weaving the tapestry of existence. In every breath, every thought, every beat of the heart, Creation is creating infinitely, echoing the limitless potential of the cosmos within us.

We are Infinity

Our souls are stardust, the echoes of cosmic songs sung across the ages. They are not confined by space and time, but stretch into infinity, carrying within them the wisdom of the ages and the promise of tomorrow. Every soul is an endless voyage, an infinite journey through the cosmos of consciousness.

Cosmic Intelligence

We are one with absolutely everything that exists. When we learn to cycle with and embody the Cosmic Intelligence, we understand that the universe can never conspire against us as we are one in co-creation with ALL.

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All courses, programs, wprkshops, trainings, events and retreats are non-refundable at The Desert Rose Mystery School

Our bodies are the chalices of the Genesis. We are more than flesh and bone - we are the living, breathing psalms of the stars, inscribed in the sacred language of existence.
Ana Otero

Example Curriculum

  Ahava Sacred Dance and Drumming: The Healing Waters of Tammuz
Available in days
days after you enroll