Alaha Shela Sacred Embodiment®

Beresheet Session

Creation Creating Infinitely

In the labyrinth of existence, we often find ourselves standing at the crossroads of being and becoming. This Beresheet Alaha Session will take you into the inexhaustible wellspring of creation, to illuminate the paths of infinite possibility, and guide you on the journey of transforming the ethereal into the tangible. The underlying essence of this session is the exploration and embodiment of the two becoming one - the union of intention and manifestation, the marriage of consciousness with material reality.

Alaha Shela Sacred Embodiment

Beresheet Session

Alaha Shela Sacred Embodiment is an integrative practice that harmonizes several ancient healing traditions and modalities to nurture holistic well-being, spiritual growth, our expression of prayer, and deeper self-awareness. This method is founded on the understanding that our bodies are not just physical entities, but interconnected systems of energy, consciousness, and spirit. This practices in infused with and by the Teachings of the Desert Rose.

Alaha Shela Sacred Embodiment integrates:

Egyptian Energy Medicine: This is an ancient holistic healing system based on the understanding of life energy, known as Ka in Ancient Egyptian philosophy. It involves various techniques such as energy balancing, aura cleansing, and chakra alignment to promote overall health and well-being.

Essene Mudras: The Essenes were an ancient Hebrew School of Light with deep spiritual practices. Essene Mudras are symbolic hand gestures used in meditation and prayer to direct spiritual energy and create specific energetic connections. They stimulate healing, encourage deep spiritual connection, and activate an internal Light Language.

Aramaic and Hebrew Frequencies: Both Aramaic and Hebrew are ancient Semitic languages with strong spiritual and energetic frequencies, as they are a form of Light Language on Earth. In Alaha Shela Sacred Embodiment, they are used in the form of chants, prayers, and mantras. The vibrations produced by these sacred languages have powerful healing frequencies that affect both the physical and subtle bodies.

Magdalene Womb Yoga: This is a unique form of yoga that was channeled through the teachings of Mary Magdalene. This Yoga activates divine feminine power and wisdom. It involves practices aimed at healing and empowering the womb space, the Yesod, promoting self-love, and connecting to the Divine Feminine Presence.

Tantric Yoga: A practice that merges meditation, energy cultivation, and yoga poses, Tantric Yoga focuses on balancing and harmonizing masculine and feminine energies within oneself. It helps in enhancing consciousness by channeling the Serpent Energy.

Chanting and Drumming: These are time-honored practices used in many cultures to alter consciousness, promote healing, and create a sense of community. The rhythm of drumming and the frequencies of chanting bring about profound physical, emotional, and spiritual transformations. We embody the Sound Frequency, and the Sound Frequency becomes the Sound Current that we create with.

Welcome to this special Alaha Shela Sacred Embodiment session. In this Beresheet Session our focus will be on the activation of the Beresheet, the first word of the Genesis, the principle of Creation Creating Infinitely. I invite you on a transformative journey that delves into the depths of your consciousness, bridges the seen and unseen, and reawakens your intrinsic creative power.

This curated session will begin with the purification of the Yesod, our Foundation, our Womb Space. Yesod is connected with the moon and the waters of creation, symbolizing the collective unconscious, our emotions, and our instinctual drives. Through meditative practices and Egyptian Energy Medicine, we will cleanse this spiritual vessel, washing away any energies that hinder our connection to our innermost selves and the Cosmic Intelligence.

We will harmonize ourselves with the Light of Creation, a force of boundless potential. This will be facilitated by tuning into the powerful Aramaic and Hebrew frequencies, augmenting our vibration through the resonant power of sacred language. Coupled with Essene Mudras, we will channel the energy flowing within and around us, aligning ourselves with the cosmic rhythm of continuous creation.

As we cleanse the Yesod and raise our frequency, the two become one – harmonizing our consciousness with the divine creative flow. In this state of unity, we become active participants in the act of creation, embracing our potential to manifest reality.

As we evolve into the session, we will experience the activation of the Garden of Eden template within us. This metaphorical Garden represents the state of blissful unity, purity, and innocence that was humanity's original state. By activating this template, we are, in essence, returning to our primordial roots, reconnecting with our inherent divinity, and acknowledging our rightful place as conscious co-creators with Alaha.

This Alaha Shela Sacred Embodiment session will help us remember our divine nature, reclaim our creative power, and reshape our reality. Let us embrace this transformative opportunity to cleanse, attune, harmonize, and activate our highest potential. Let us embark on the sacred journey of Creation Creating Infinitely.

A beautiful drumming practice to the Shekhinah is also included in this Session.


Ana Otero


Creation is not an event but an endless symphony, a divine dance of energies weaving the tapestry of existence. In every breath, every thought, every beat of the heart, Creation is creating infinitely, echoing the limitless potential of the cosmos within us.

We are Infinity

Our souls are stardust, the echoes of cosmic songs sung across the ages. They are not confined by space and time, but stretch into infinity, carrying within them the wisdom of the ages and the promise of tomorrow. Every soul is an endless voyage, an infinite journey through the cosmos of consciousness.

Cosmic Intelligence

We are one with absolutely everything that exists. When we learn to cycle with and embody the Cosmic Intelligence, we understand that the universe can never conspire against us as we are one in co-creation with ALL.

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Our bodies are the chalices of the Genesis. We are more than flesh and bone - we are the living, breathing psalms of the stars, inscribed in the sacred language of existence.
Ana Otero