Shekhinah Divine Feminine Presence Novena

October 9th - October 17th

The Divine Feminine Presence, often referred to as the Shekhinah or the Holy Spirit, is a Feminine emanation, a life force, of Alaha (the Divine). Embodying this presence is a profound spiritual journey that we will experience through the teachings and transmissions of the holy women and feminine emanations from the Christ Lineage.

The Christ Lineage is a spiritual lineage that connects different holy women and men who have embodied the Mystical Frequency of Venus, which is the Light of Creation, and who have allowed the breath of the Shekhinah to permeate every aspect of their being. It is through the activations of Venus that we understand and return to The Garden of Eden as an inner and an outer dimension. This lineage includes high holy teachers such as Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, and Saint Sarah, among others, who have held and transmitted the energies of the Divine Feminine Presence throughout various incarnations here on the Planet.

Throughout the Novena, each day is dedicated to a different holy Woman from the Christ Lineage. We will receive the transmissions, teachings and wisdom of each Qadeesha, Holy Woman. This process involves deep contemplation, prayer, and the use of sacred sound, activations and celestial movement meditations to facilitate a deeper connection with the Shekhinah and to receive Her as the Indwelling Presence.

As the Novena progresses, we will find a deepening sense of connection to the Divine Feminine Presence, and an increased ability to channel and embody this energy in our daily lives. Ultimately, the Divine Feminine Presence Novena serves as a powerful tool for personal transformation and healing, and a means of honoring and connecting with the sacred feminine lineage that has been passed down through generations.

2023 is a year 7, and this is the number of Shekhinah - Lady Wisdom - Rucha d ´Koosdha. This Novena will awaken the Wisdom teachings that you have been carrying for so many lifetimes and also prepare you for the number 8 year ahead of us.

Ana Otero

The Magenta Ray

During this Novena, part of the activations will be in Awakening the Magenta Ray within us, the Home of our Soul Star Chakra, the Arc Line.

The eighth chakra is the Home of the Magenta Ray in our Chambers of Light, a profoundly mystical energy: it is where the violet ray of the crown chakra and the red ray of the root chakra converge. This meeting signifies the union of the beginning and the end, culminating in a state of Oneness.

Within the Magenta Ray's vibration and aura, all dualities and separations revert to their original state of unity. Any influences that lead us to generate separation through our thoughts and emotions naturally dissolve, filling up the new empty space with Light.

The eighth chakra and the Magenta Ray transport you to a realm of existence that transcends words and concepts, directly revealing your true nature. In the light of your essence, many past conditionings and perceived identifications fade away, and we again return to a state of unity, health, joy, freedom, and a liberated flow of life. 

Shekhinah: Divine Feminine Presence Novena

I am so happy to present to you our third and last novena in 2023. In February we experienced the powerful Sarah Tamar Novena and in the Month of July we journeyed deeply into The Magdalene - Christ Lineage and culminated our 9 days of Devotion with a special celebration on the Feast Day of Mary Magdalene.

A novena is an incredibly transformative process, a spiritual practice that serves as a powerful conduit for divine energies, gnosis, and inner alchemical change.

I have a deep passion for Novenas and I have been practicing and facilitating Novenas for many years. I have witnessed through personal experience the transformation of what is manifested within us and outside of us.

Each step taken in this journey of nine days will bring us into a holy communion, linking the mortal to the divine, the Earth to the Heavens, the human to the celestial.

A powerful transformation takes place in these 9 days of devotion and embodiment. A pilgrimage of the soul that transcends the mundane, illuminating our inner and outer journey. Like a flame guiding us in the darkness, this devotional journey brings us closer to the light of who we are and to the eternal embrace of divine love.

The Novenas I facilitate are more than a nine-day sequence of prayers. They are more like ritualistic journeys, a sacred period of focused spiritual work. Each day, each prayer, each practice, each teaching, each mantra - chant becomes a a living transmission that keeps creating within us even after the Novena has finished.

How does a Novena work at the Desert Rose Mystery School?

Each day for 9 days, as of 6,00 am CET, the transmission for the day will be accessible. This particular Novena is dedicated to the Divine Feminine Presence and embodying her as The Indwelling Presence.

Next to each of the Holy Women you will see the teaching and transmissions that each one of them has asked me to share in this Devotional Novena filled with the embodiment of the Sacred Breath of Creation.

Day 1: Asherah. The Hebrew Goddess of the Trees. Healing our relationship with the Earth, our bodies and Creation. Asherah will gift us with a ritual to practice during the 9 days of our time spent together on this sacred pilgrimage. The breath of Shekhinah activated through Asherah.

Day 2: Mother Eve. The Garden of Eden Transmission and Activation. The Breath of Shekhinah Activated through Mother Eve.

Day 3: Mother Anna and Elizabeth. Soul remembrance. DNA Light Codes activation. The Breath of Shekhinah activated through Mother Anna and Elizabeth (Mother of John the Baptist).

Day 4: Mother Mary: The Heart of the Holy Woman. Awakening the Heart of Eve. The Breath of Shekhinah through Mother Mary.

Day 5: Mary Magdalene. The Womb of Light. Awakening the Virgin Queen who holds the YUD, the Divine Seed of Infinite Potential. The Breath of Shekhinah through Mary Magdalene.

Day 6: Sarai the Matriarch. The Word made Flesh. The Word, the Voice, as a tool for transformation and Manifestation. Sound Creation. The Breath of Shekhinah through Sarai the Matriarch.

Day 7: Yohanah. Abundance and Self Love. The Breath of Shekhinah through Yohanah.

Day 8: Sarah Tamar. The Way of the Gypsy Rose. The Breath of Shekhinah through Sarah Tamar.

Day 9: El Shaddai. The Mother God. Divine Feminine Presence in the Breath and in our Bodies. We are the living vessel and transmission of the Holy Spirit.

The Novena includes:

Transmissions - Teachings - Channelings - Healings

A curated practice for 9 days

Aramaic Mantras and Drumming

Light Language

Yesodic States of Consciousness (Purification of our Waters of Creation)

Ritual - Devotion

Talks and Stories

Aramaic Ceremonial Drumming,

Myrraphore Blend and Altar Crafting for the Novena

Gnostic Teachings on the Olive Tree, the Tree of Shekhinah

Sending so much love.


Ana Otero

Shekhinah Divine Feminine Presence Novena

October 9th - October 17th


Creation is not an event but an endless symphony, a divine dance of energies weaving the tapestry of existence. In every breath, every thought, every beat of the heart, Creation is creating infinitely, echoing the limitless potential of the cosmos within us.

We are Infinity

Our souls are stardust, the echoes of cosmic songs sung across the ages. They are not confined by space and time, but stretch into infinity, carrying within them the wisdom of the ages and the promise of tomorrow. Every soul is an endless voyage, an infinite journey through the cosmos of consciousness.

Cosmic Intelligence

We are one with absolutely everything that exists. When we learn to cycle with and embody the Cosmic Intelligence, we understand that the universe can never conspire against us as we are one in co-creation with ALL.

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Our bodies are the chalices of the Genesis. We are more than flesh and bone - we are the living, breathing psalms of the stars, inscribed in the sacred language of existence.
Ana Otero